Apr 3, 20232 mins read

How to Process Google Analytics 4 Data using Google BigQuery

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into user behaviour on your website. By tracking user interactions and events, GA4 can help you understand how visitors interact with your website and identify areas for improvement. However, analyzing GA4 data can be challenging, especially for large websites with a high traffic volume. In this article, we'll explore how to process GA4 data using Google BigQuery, a powerful data analytics tool that can help you extract valuable insights from your GA4 data. We'll cover how to set up a BigQuery account, create a dataset, and import your GA4 data into BigQuery. Make sure a Google Analytics 4 property already configured or visit this link to set it up.

Create a Google Cloud Project

Create A Billing Account for The Project

When exporting data from Google Analytics to BigQuery, we can do streaming export, in which the data will be exported whenever a new event is saved in Google Analytics. But, to enable streaming export, let’s create a billing account in our Google Cloud project.

Connect Google Analytics to BigQuery

Congratulations! Now we have more flexibility to process the analytics data using BigQuery.

How to Setup Google Analytics 4 ...