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Dec 10, 20224 mins read

Setup Local to Develop WordPress Site Locally in Fedora

Local is a development tool to develop WordPress sites locally. It provides many useful features to initiate a new site, do backup and many more. It supports various operating systems including macOS, Windows, Debian and rpm-based Linux systems. This article describes the steps to set up and use Local in Fedora.

Attention! Local can’t be installed in Fedora 37 and above because the missing ncurses-compat-libs package. You can follow this thread about the reason Fedora remove this package: Based on the discussion in Local community forum, seems like fixing this issue is a low priority for now. So, for the reset of article, we use Fedora 36.

The reason of removing ncurses-compat-libst in the latest Fedora versions.
The reason of removing ncurses-compat-libst in the latest Fedora versions.
Reply from the Local team about the status of this issue.
Reply from the Local team about the status of this issue.

Install Local

Start a New WordPress Project

Back-Up a Local Site to The Cloud

Local supports integration with Dropbox or Google Drives to back up our site. This is one of my favourite features because we can back up the whole site including the database with a simple action. Follow these steps to enable Cloud Backups feature.

Now we need to install the Cloud Backups add-on. It can be installed from the desktop app, but I recommend installing it manually using git because installing from the app takes a very long time and we can’t see the actual progress.

Installation takes a long time without a progress indicator. We can’t see if the process is still running or already failed.
Installation takes a long time without a progress indicator. We can’t see if the process is still running or already failed.

To install manually, we need Node.js and Yarn to be installed. Use a version manager like asdf or nvm because we need a specific version of Node.js to avoid errors due to incompatibility in version 17 and newer. I recommend asdf because we can manage versions for many development tools using it.

Error in Node.js v17 or newer.
Error in Node.js v17 or newer.

Install Node.js and Yarn using asdf:

That’s all about setting up the basic functionality of Local to make WordPress development easier. Hope this helps!

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