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Surya Darma Putra

A software engineer from Indonesia, building websites, mobile apps, tools, and integrations. Passionate about applying pragmatic solutions to tackle business challenges.

Who am I?

Hi, I'm Surya, a software engineer with expertise in TypeScript and React.js. Currently working at GoTo Financial - Merchant Lending team as a Frontend Lead.


Beyond web apps, I develop mobile apps, developer tools, set up infrastructure and CI/CD, and integrate APIs like Notion or ChatGPT. Any challenge software engineering can solve, I’m on it.

I believe in pragmatic problem-solving, not being tied to specific tools or languages. My mission is to help businesses grow and operate efficiently.

More About Me...


Invoiza:  Invoice Generator thumbnail

Create and manage invoices with customizable template, duplicate invoices and Generate PDF.

next-ts-tailwind-starter thumbnail

Starter kit for Next.js project packed with TypeScript, Tailwind and many more stuff.

React Tailwind Snippets thumbnail

Collection of UI patterns built using Tailwind CSS for React applications.


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